Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Today I did 5 weddings. They were spaced out so no feeling of being rushed.

One couple was so cute and so in love. They wanted a very traditional wedding. Would I say "for better for worse, for richer for poorer" and that is what I did. Now they were just a little different. He was from California and she was sort of. She was born in Mongolia. (Oakland has a large Mongolian population.) His name was Michael and hers was Enkhtsetseg. Trust me, I did not call her name, I didn't want to butcher it. I just called his full name. As it turned out, I did guess the right pronunciation. Not my first Mongolian bride. It is pronounced as Ing su seg, emphasis on Ing. Just in case you run into that name, you are now ready.

And then we had the not really a license. The clerk brought me the license, she had only filled in the witness. The license had been sold several days earlier. I looked at, felt it, turned it over (nothing on the back and there should be). The print was too dark, and just a little smeary. And the paper felt wrong. I was sure it was a copy, not legal. I had the supervisor check it, as soon as she touched it she said,"This isn't our paper." I took it back to the clerk and she talked to the couple. It turned out the groom had copied it just in case. Sorry not legal. But he had brought the original. So the wedding went on as planned.


  1. I was expecting more weddings from you due to the date... I guess I was the only one that thought it was cool... How easy would it be to remember 07/08/09 as an anniversary?

  2. I kind of expected more too. We are looking out for 09/09/09. And it falls on one of my days I think.
