Friday, July 10, 2009


None of the pictures from the Winchester House came out. This was a digital camera, we looked at them. Home, no pictures. I guess the spirits didn't want us to have pictures.

We do have some from a few other places. It seems we had so much fun, we forgot to take many pictures. So maybe that is a good thing, not so many as the trip to Kentucky.

Remember to see a larger picture, just click on the picture.

Little Brother and me. Someone asked if we were twins. There is a family resemblance. We are in the Tower at the top of the de Young Museum.

Ann, me, and Marty in the tower. Sounds like we have been confined to the Tower of London.

Ann and me in the tower. Behind us all is a map of the parts of San Francisco you can see from the tower.
View of Academy of Sciences, part of Golden Gate park, and part of San Francisco from the tower.
Conservatory of Flowers in Golden Gate Park. Remember, it was closed when we went.

Marty and me at the fountain at the Embarcadero in San Francisco. We all walked through the fountain.

It was wet and slippery on the walkway. We walked through the part in the back against the wall, which was wet. You have huge stepping squares to walk on. There was just enough space between them to make me nervous. Some met at an angle, which was hard for those of us with short legs. But no one fell in.

This is part of a bicycle race through Oakland on Sunday. We just lucked into a spot to see it.

We had such a fun week with Hank and Ann. Lots of laughing, lots of wine, and really a lot of great food. I told them I wished we all lived closer to each other. And they said something profound. If we lived in the same city, we wouldn't spend as much concentrated time together. We would be so busy with our lives we would just see each other at a dinner every now and then. They are probably correct. It is hard to be apart, but the time together is golden.

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