Friday, February 12, 2010


My phone died. I had a Razor I loved. I made calls, I got calls. That is all I needed. But it wouldn't hold the battery charge and would go dead, at really bad times. And my Palm was doing the same thing. A new battery just for the phone would cost around $50. And the Palm, I was afraid to even call for info on that one. My Palm was at least 10 years old. It has earned an honorable burial.

So Wednesday off to the AT&T Store to see what is out there. I wanted something with a calendar and something that would make phone calls. I wanted user friendly, ease of use, idiot proof. I don't need to text, go on the web, tweet, use GPS, or facebook. I just want to make phone calls sometimes.

Well, guess what Frank(great salesperson) and Marty convinced me to get a smartphone. And they have all kinds of bells and whistles. And the one that is easiest to use, not the Blackberry, not Samsung, but the iphone. So I went home with an iphone. Not a new one though.

The newest one has things such as voice controls for the phone. Marty doesn't have that on his iphone. And in California you must have hands free. My car has built in Bluetooth, his doesn't. There were some other features I felt he needed for his business. So he got the new phone and I took the year old hand me down.

I have played with my new phone for two days. I have gone on the net, got my email, made calls, updated my calendar, played a game, changed the wallpaper, moved my icons, given certain people a "special" ring tone. OK, I admit it I really like my new phone. And it is so much lighter than my Palm and old phone. If you have back and shoulder problems, that is a huge benefit.

So this senior citizen can learn new tricks. I must thank my teachers: Marty, Frank, Kirsten,and Julie.

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