Saturday, April 12, 2014


At my age needing a babysitter is ridiculous.  I am an independent senior citizen.  I do not need in home care.  Did you all buy that?  Yes there are days I should not be left alone.  My puny fainty days I do need a little help. 

As I last posted, Marty wanted me to have a babysitter while he had to lead a seminar.  As the day wore on, I was not getting much better.  He, and I, were afraid I would stand up and pass out.  So a call went out to friends, could someone come in a couple of hours and stay for 3 or 4 hours?  One dear friend, Pat, said she could almost make the window and had it covered.  She texted her son, Aaron, and he rode public transportation from San Francisco to get to me.  

Now if I ever have to walk down a dark scary alley, Aaron is who I would want to have my back.  He is street smart and intimidating.  The guy is 6 foot 9 inches tall.  But is he the person to help me out of the chair, walk me to the bathroom, recognize I was too tired to talk, and to be ready in an emergency.  Remember we had no car.  Yes, Aaron is a great babysitter.

Aaron had a plan.  If I needed medical help he would not let them take me to the bad Hospital that is closing in June.  He would text for an Uber car and take me to Oakland Kaiser.  He watched me like a hawk, followed me down the hall, sat quietly and let me rest.  And it gets better.

Mom Pat arrives and she and Aaron start planning supper.  Did I mention he is a culinary student?  The two of them pulled everything out of my refrigerator, threw out stuff I have been too sick to deal with, and started fixing roasted veggies and salad for dinner.  They did a compromise on the entrée.  When I mentioned wet burritos at Ana Rosa's across the street, the game plan changed.  Pat kept doing her thing and Aaron walked across to get our entrees. 

I wasn't real hungry but did damage to the veggies and the wet burrito.  They then cleaned the kitchen and walked me back to the living room.  I was better and we watched some Jeopardy yelling out our answers, talked, and laughed.  Bathroom breaks, I had both walking me down the hall.  Very protective of me, very kind to me.

I am very very lucky in my friends.  Other friends have offered to shop for us, run errands for us, have offered to bring meals.  Thank you all for the support.  And big hugs to my babysitters.  Much love.

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