Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Happy Birthday to me

Today was my birthday.  I have had a lovely day.  Marty took me to lunch and then I had my hair cut and fluffed.  We ran errands, and we went to dinner.  The best part of the day, we were together.  All day. 

I received phone calls wishing me a happy birthday, my brother and his wife even sang to me.  I received lots of texts, e cards, cards via snail mail, and Facebook good wishes.   I really do feel loved, cared about, and lucky in my friends and family. 

In my family we celebrate more than one day.  As a friend says, we celebrate the birthday season.  Thursday Little Brother and Ann are arriving from Kentucky to take me out for a birthday dinner.  This may be the most expensive meal I have ever had if you factor in their transportation costs.  They will be here until Tuesday, lots of partying will happen.

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