Thursday, June 5, 2014

Love in the Room

I had several weddings on Monday, but one, on my word . . .

The groom was 68 years old and the bride was 61.  They beamed with happiness and love.  He wore a white on white shirt with tan slacks. She wore a long white dress that was fancy but not a true "wedding" dress.  She  had gardenias in her hair and carried a bouquet of calla lilies.  They looked just like everyday people.  But they were just a tad different.

They had been deaf since birth and were limited in their speech.  They read lips and did American Sign Language. They could read my lips and understand the ceremony and their friends signed questions I needed to ask them.

The couple had written their own vows. They signed and spoke them.  This was such a sweet touching ceremony.  The love radiated through out the room from the couple to the guests, from the groom to the bride, and from the guests to the couple.  I had goose bumps the whole ceremony.

The best part watching this couple, the bride was a bouncer/ laugher.  She grinned ear to ear, she laughed, joy was her middle name.  The groom could not stop smiling.  They were the happiest couple I have ever married. 

Happy, fun, sweet, and so much in love.  I asked if I could have a hug after the ceremony.  I really really enjoyed meeting this special couple.

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