Saturday, June 7, 2014

Monterey and Moss Landing

Friday we drove down to the Monterey Peninsula, one of the most beautiful places in the world.  I had rented a house in Moss Landing  (check out the pictures on the link).  The house is right on the water.  My brother, Hank, and his wife, Ann are with us.

This was what we saw when we walked into the house.  Worth every penny for the cost of two nights here.  

Ann, Marty on the left, Hank on the right as they walk down to the beach.

Some of the wild flowers on the sand dunes above the beach.

Walking the beach

The tide is coming in and bringing with it: sand dollars, crabs, jelly fish, drift wood.  

We drove into Monterey for lunch and to walk around.  This was what we saw from our lunch table.  Sea lions and brown pelicans.  Above them is where the tourists who have been fishing have their catch cleaned.  The unwanted parts drain into the area where the pelicans are.  Fun watching them be fed.  The sea lions bark, push, and shove each other off the remnants of a dock they have taken over.

Two views off the end of the wharf.

We have had a lovely day. We came home and read, watched the Belmont, took naps, and watched the waves crashing on shore. We will go out of dinner tonight.  We are thinking Thai.  Tomorrow we have to check out of the house in the late morning.  But we will load up and then tour some more before we go home.

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