Friday, June 13, 2014


October 27, 2008 I posted my first blog.  I felt a need to write and knew I wasn't good enough or disciplined enough to write a book.  I was going to write for me, and hope to entertain a few people.  I have not picked up lots of readers, but that is OK.  The ones who read me seem to like what I am doing.  And I enjoy writing.

I have posted pictures of events we have gone to, testing recipes, parties, building a storage shed, hospital pictures, and updates on weight loss.  I have written rants on bicyclists with a death wish, some political views, and mostly about weddings and first graders.  I write what's happening to me or mine.

This is to show you a picture before A-Fib and diabetes changed my life.  I was just a little fluffy.  This is from an anniversary celebration for Marty and me year or so ago.

This picture was taken last weekend in Monterey Dunes.  Marty and I are on the left,  Hank (Little Brother) and Ann are on the right.  I'm not quite as fluffy as the picture above this one.

One Thousand posts, that is writing about a lot of stuff.  My readers probably know me better than some family members.  That's right, some family members don't read my fabulous blog (the non-readers are not immediate blood kin).  Their loss.  I will continue to write as long as I am able.  If you remember I have posted during the great drama of multiple diagnoses, selling a house, and moving. I keep on writing whatever is going on. There will be drama, humor, sadness, happiness, I will tell you about my life as a youthful senior citizen.

I hope you will continue with me, maybe you'll even share my posts on Facebook.  Yes, I am vain and want more readers, more likes, more comments.  If you have questions about what I do , like, support, tell me and I will try to respond.  If you want to, share the date of your favorite post.  I think that would be interesting to know.

Thank you for hanging in there with me.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Janet!
    You look GREAT! Glad to see you are doing well, and congratulations on 1,ooo posts! Blogging is such a great way to keep your memories stored in one place, and it makes it so much more special when people read and respond. I know what you mean. I have many silent readers myself. Sometimes they email me to tell me they read faithfully, but never comment because they don't want to feel like stalkers. =)
    Anyway, just wanted to say hello!
