Sunday, June 15, 2014

Please be in the picture

Because we were on vacation last week, I didn't go in to do weddings.  The Monday before I had several ceremonies to perform.  I wrote about the one couple who was special.  Now for a little recap of that Monday.

The clerks were selling licenses for later weddings.  I did 5 ceremonies, and there were Spanish and Chinese ceremonies too.  It is June, love is everywhere.

One wedding was as if it were a business deal.  They had had a cultural wedding and this was strictly for the government.

Favorite groom's name ever, Romeo.  And he was as cute as his name.

The question Is everybody here? You all know the answer, NO.  They are waiting for a guest.  Why don't they just tell the clerk and we hold the license?  Oh well.  They were a fun group after all arrived.  Lots of guests, lots of laughing, lots of love.  All were thrilled this couple was, and I quote ". . . finally you are married."  The couple had been together 12 years.

After all the paper work was finished, I took pictures of the whole group.  Well, except for one woman.  She didn't want to be in the pictures, the bride and groom kept asking her to join them and she wouldn't.  So bad me turned around and took pictures of her anyway.  The bride wanted pictures of everyone, and what the bride wants she gets.

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