Monday, October 27, 2014

The name's the same and other notes

Some names are very common at the Marriage Factory.  John, Joe, and Mary, and their spanish counterparts, certainly.  Last week, though, I had 3 grooms, 2 in back-to-back ceremonies, with the same first name - one that wasn't a common first name.  It's the first time I remember that happening with this particular name.  I'll need to keep an eye out for similar occurrences.

Note to couples posing for pictures *before* the ceremony: you can take a few, then let's get down to business.  When I'm being moved out of the way so the photographer can get several poses from different angles, it's time to get going.  I know you wore your best clothes and look as good as possible, but let's do the whole "reason you're here in the first place" part.  You'll have plenty of time for pictures once you've actually been joined.

Technology is not for everyone, but when it works, it's very impressive.  One member of a couple was struggling to get FaceTime working on his phone and his parents' phone so they could be present at the ceremony.  I gave them a couple chances, and then recommended we have the wedding and he could talk with them afterwards.  As I began, they rang him to say they'd finally gotten it working.  A couple minutes later, there they were!  We started from the beginning, and all went well.  When we'd wrapped up things, he told me they were joining us from Israel!  Whew!  I'm glad they got everything working, as I'd hate to come between a nice Jewish boy and his mama on his wedding day.

Fashion Watch:
The bride in a beautiful blue shift with gold patterns - she was glad she "made it through without crying".
The couple who both wore suits - hers was a gorgeous white pantsuit like Bianca Jagger's Yves Saint Laurent from 1971.
The granddad who wore a Giants cap - go orange & black!


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