Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Chemo update

Well chemo did a number on me last week.  My blood work shows my immune system is too low to take chemo on Wednesday.  I will see the oncologist this afternoon, and skip the chemo tomorrow.  We will plot a new course this afternoon. 

This gives me another week to "bulk "up for the battle.  I am hungry for the first time in weeks.  So I will keep pouring calories down my throat.  If I gain some weight now, maybe I will hold even in the yucky stage. 

I never thought I would be asking for prayers to be able to take chemo. 

Stay tuned. 

1 comment:

  1. Having been through chemo (and radiation) with my Mom, I can tell you this is not unusual. As you probably know, chemo essentially renders your immune system non-functional (which has never made sense to me--shouldn't the immune system somehow be boosted to eradicate the disease instead?), so they have to back off a little to allow it to recover some (only to hit it again). Anywho, enjoy your appetite and hopefully some extra energy. We're all pulling for ya.
