Monday, November 3, 2014

Not the blog I had planned

Halloween is a big holiday in the Bay Area.  Everyone dresses up, nurses, clerks, chefs etc. Costumes are fun and very well done.  At the Marriage Factory we marry zombies, clowns,witches. .  . . very interesting costumes and lots of weddings. . . until this year.

I had Joe and Patricia, the Friday Marriage commissioners, ready to take pictures and to send in blog reports.  Well something happened on Friday, there was a parade and a city wide party for the World Series winners.  Oh that was the San Francisco Giants.  No one showed up to get married.  Great sadness, but hold on.  There are a few pictures and a guest star appearance on my blog,

We had fewer Trick or Treaters this year, but we had enough to enjoy the costumes.  

The teenagers looked great.  I thought I had a winner for best costume but then I found the little girl at the bottom of the screen.

Now the boys costumes were better, scarier, but cute always wins out.  Look at our little Lady Bug.

Later that night I received a visitor, a world famous visitor, Thor!

Here he is all 6' 9" of  him.  He heard I was ill and came to give me a hug.  We  had a lovely visit.

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