Friday, January 30, 2015

Weekly Update

Monday I had blood work to see if all was well to continue with chemo.  I received the results early that afternoon.  Of course I had no idea what most of the tests meant.  But  most were in the normal zone.  No call that chemo was called off, so off we went Tuesday morning.

The nurse came out and said that my platelet count was too low and I had to postpone chemo until next week.  Now that was a little upsetting,  they knew Monday yet no one called me not to come.  That really ticked me off.  There is nothing I can do to raise my platelet count except not take chemo for a week.  Next Monday blood work again and hopefully chemo will happen on Tuesday.

Marty and I had set  up our calendars for about 10 appointments for February.   All of those are canceled because I am now on a different chemo cycle.  We have 3 appointments for February and hopefully will get the rest on Tuesday.

I contacted my oncologist to see if I could go back to church.  I would wear a mask if allowed to go.  She said no, it was not safe with my compromised immune system.  Small groups of people I know are healthy is allowed.  Other wise wear the mask and no hugging or shaking hands.

Then I told the oncologist I had a dental check up/cleaning next and had been told that could be dangerous for me.  Yep, Deb was right.  Cleaning my teeth could spread bacteria into my blood stream.  No cleaning allowed, just the check up.

Wow!  I am a delicate flower.

Wednesday good friends who live in Texas came to take care of Marty and me. ( They are part of our A Team group.  This is a cooking group that became almost like family.)  We haven't seen Karl and Deb for 5 years.  They walked in and it was if we had been with them yesterday.  They have cleaned the apartment and done laundry.  This was a huge help especially since our son is working out of town for two weeks and can't help us.  Great timing Karl and Deb.

Yesterday they took me walking in my neighborhood.  I walk regularly but not alone outside.  I am a little shaky and afraid of falling.  We walking a good distance, came home and I rested.   Then we walked a couple of blocks to my favorite Mexican restaurant for lunch.  That was a big day for me.  I had a nap and sat in the recliner to recover.  My energy level drops as the day goes on.

But tired as I was it was a fabulous day. It was great to see all the blooming plants in the neighborhood.  With our crazy weather things are blooming about 2 weeks early.  Sorry the rest of the country, we are having spring with 70 degree days.  Tulip trees are in full bloom, pear trees are finishing up, jasmine is starting to bloom, and of course daffodils are strutting their stuff.  The roses never went dormant.  They are just blooming their hearts out.  It smelled so good with all the blooming trees, even the evergreens smelled great.

Today we are going into the city to have lunch with the A Team.  Two of the couples are doing all the cooking.  We other 2 couples will bring wine.  They are doing a lunch instead of a dinner so I will be peppy. 

That's what's going on in my life right now.  I feel so much better and can do so much more.  I still rest and nap.  And by early evening I am pretty tired.  But all and all, to be so sick,  I am doing great.

Prayer warriors please continue praying, you are why I am improving.  Thank you.

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