Sunday, February 1, 2015

A Wonderful Friday with the A Team

I must explain the A Team to new readers.  We are 4 couples who were neighbors for years.  We liked cooking and going to progressive dinners.  So we formed a group that met every now and then to eat good food, talk, laugh, and enjoy the wines poured.  After a few gatherings we realized we were a special lucky group of friends.  We loved each other and had become a family.  Even though three couples moved out of the neighborhood, one clear to Texas, we still get together.  Friday for the first time in 5 years, all 4 couples were together.

Here is our A Team selfie.  For those who don't know me except through this blog, I am the lady in glasses and a good wig.

A lunch was set up so that I wouldn't be tired.  By dinner time my energy level is falling.  We had appetizers, which Marty and I forgot to photograph.  We were too busy eating Pigs in a Blanket, and Deviled eggs.  Champagne and other great wines were poured.  I had a little bit of Champagne.

A beautiful and tasty soup was our first course.  It was a sweet corn with crab and basil on top. Delicious!

A close up of the soup.  Place cards were pictures of each guest.  The table was glass, so the wood you see is really the floor.

Our main course was ham, asparagus, and cheese grits. Being a Southern Belle, the grits were my favorite of this course.

Hank plating an almond tart with whipped cream.  This was my favorite dish of the meal.  It was exquisite, lovely to the eye and perfection on the tongue.  Great job by Thom!

A close up of my plate.  Trust me the tart and whipped cream did not last long on my plate.

The lunch started at noon, and we left to go home after 6:00.  Just what did we do for all that time you ask.

This picture of Hank and Thom says it all.  We laughed like fools.  We took pictures, we told what we had been doing, and we talked about our favorite A Team moments.  It was a wonderful Friday.

I was so lucky that I could be with these friends.  Everyone was healthy so I could have hugs and kisses.  No mask needed that day.  We talked about my health, and I was upfront that even with hope, Marty and I have to be realistic.  So with the laughter, there were a few tears.  This was a safe place for us to share and feel the love.  And days like Friday help me to be "normal".  Except as I told the A Team, no one would say we are a normal group of people.

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