Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Health Update and other stuff


I had a lab appointment that morning to check platelets and other things to see if I could have chemo on Tuesday.  Everything was all good.  That afternoon I had my two year eye check up.  Then we were off to our regular store, Embry Bay Optics to pick out new glasses. Marty and the owner have picking out my frames since the late 90's. 

After that Marty needed to stop at an Alameda County Office to pick up a survey plot.  He parked in front of the Marriage Factory.  I put on my protective mask and headed in to surprise and visit with the staff.  As I went in I waved at  my favorite Alameda County Deputy.  He looked at me funny and then came over and said, "Janet, is that you?'  The mask, glasses, and my cap did hide my face. I went upstairs to the Marriage desk and said I needed a hug.  Christine (who does have a vision problem) looked at me and said, "I don't think so." She then recognized my voice and we laughed. Then I saw most of the staff.  It was wonderful to see them again.  They had been such a huge part of my life and now I can't do marriages.  Too weak for all the walking and standing, and too many germs from the public. 


At 9:00 I had a dental check up.  A friend who was a nurse had warned me I couldn't have a cleaning.  All that scrapping would spread germs into my blood stream.  The oncologist agreed.  So no cleaning just a check up.  No cavities.  That was a good things, don't know how we would handle the drilling, that could really spread germs into the blood stream.

That afternoon I had my chemo session.  It has been over 24 hours and no side effects other than fatigue.  I will take that any day over all the troubles I had with the other chemo. 


Today I did really normal things.  I did the laundry.  Marty carried down and back up the clothes. I needed to hold on the banister down and up those 26 steps.  Why you ask am I doing the laundry.  Son Erik, who comes every Wednesday to help us out, is out of town on a business trip.  Marty would have done the laundry but I wanted to try to do it.  I need to do more things to build my strength so I can do fun things. 

I had to rest after going up and down the steps.  Then I put clean sheets on the bed.  I had to do it.  I  had stripped the bed that  morning.  We have to have sheets to go to bed tonight. 

Who knows, maybe I will get strong enough to clean the apartment.  Not sure I want to be that normal.

Plans for Thursday and Friday

Friend Kirsten is driving me downtown for a little shopping Thursday.  The plan is to have a late lunch and then shop for Valentine cards.  Marty would have taken me, but then he would have to stand in another part of the store as I picked out his cards.  That wouldn't be much fun.

Friday I plan to watch the pouring rain and rejoice. The meteorologist better be right. It hasn't rained in over 40 days.  And we are running out of the rainy season.  This drought is big time scary. 

I am feeling good, doing more, and thank all my prayers warriors for getting me back to a better level of health.  Friday week we meet with the oncologist and work on our game plan. 

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