Saturday, May 16, 2015

I Have Had a Good Week

Sunday for Mother's Day our son took us out for brunch.  He had found a very neat place that I would have just passed by.  As they say don't judge a book by its cover.  We ate at the Handlebar, those of you in the Bay Area might want to try it. We all loved the food. I highly recommend the Bloody Mary's.

As you can see we enjoyed our drinks.  Erik with a Mimosa, Marty and I had the very spicy Bloody Mary's.  Yes we had food too.
                                                            A better picture of us.
After we ate, we went to the Berkeley Marina to take more pictures and to freeze.  It was a cold, windy, gray day.  Really windy as you can tell from Erik's messed hair.

Wednesday I saw my primary care doctor.  This was a follow up from the trip to the ER a couple of weeks ago.  (that was for spiking blood pressure)  After tweaking my meds, my blood pressure is in the normal range again.  He was pleased with how well I am doing.  He had one question on a medicine he wants me to ask my oncologist about.  He doesn't think I need to take it.  I am all for taking fewer pills.

That afternoon was Erik's time to come help us with domestic duties.  He cleaned, did laundry, and moved furniture.  And we had a lovely visit.  He is a huge help to us, physically and emotionally.  Love you Little Boy.

Friday good friend Pat picked me up for breakfast.  Her son ate with us, then he went to an appointment and we went shopping.  Mostly we were looking, and then I found some cute pajamas, so I bought them.

Then we went to another store and I found several purses that needed to come home with me.  Well until I picked them up.  Most of them were too heavy even empty for me to consider.  Then I found a leather (probably not real) hobo bag that was light as a feather.  Soft as a baby's butt.  It also had all kinds of pockets, zippers, compartments, it is great.  As we were headed to pay, I saw it.  The perfect carryon bag.  It has red leather and a leopard design.  It is in your face and only a secure woman could carry this bag.  Lots of pockets:  it will hold my laptop, all my meds, and probably three days of clothing.  I love it.   It came home with me too.

It was great to be strong enough to shop.  I walked for a over an hour and I wasn't exhausted. Tired, but not a huge problem.  It was a lovely time with Pat.  She makes me laugh, gets my black humor, and takes such good care of me.  I had such a good time, thanks Pat.  Friends like that are hard to find. 
It was a very good week.  And tomorrow I will get to go to church for the first time since October.  I have already put out the gloves and mask I will wear.  Yep, knock wood, things are going pretty good.

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