Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Yes I did, I just played the cancer card

Today was chemo day and per usual the pharmacy did not have my meds ready on time.  They were only an hour late today.  Again Marty went home to work, and came back later for me.

I order my Lovenox (blood thinner) online and then plan to pick it up on chemo day.  Because it is prefilled syringes it can not be mailed. Of course it is never ready and we have to wait, sometimes over an hour.  Sometimes they don't have any and have to order it.  Then we have to come back in a couple of days.  That is why I always order way before I am running low. When we arrive to pick it up, then they tell us sorry.  Hello, let me know before hand.  We have decided I am the only Kaiser patient taking this drug.  Other Kaiser pharmacies never have it in stock either. 

I had ordered online, picked the pharmacy I wanted, and clicked checkout.  We were sure it wouldn't be ready, but went to get it after my chemo infusion.  We check in and guess what, order not filled.  I was pissed off.  Sweet gentle Marty, who never gets real mad, was livid.  The clerk was going to check if they had enough or if they would have to order it. 

She came back and said yes they had enough, but it would take at least 15 minutes to fill.  We have already waited 10 minutes. And the line to pick up is about 30 minutes long.  Been there often enough to know where you don't want to be standing.   It is past 1:30 and I haven't had lunch because of chemo running late. My sister in law says something like, " Never get between a Triplett (maiden name) and food."

I am tired, hungry, and have my I hate Kaiser Pharmacy pants on.  This is not going well.  I tell her this happens ever time we come.  Never ready, why should I bother ordering on line as they ask patients to?  She says she will have them call my name when it is filled and I won't have to stand in the pick up line.  This will only take 15 minutes.  Then I did it.

I looked her in the eye and said, "I just came from chemo and I am fading fast!"  She walked over picked up the Lovenox and let me pay at her window.  I did not lie, I did not exaggerate, and I did not become a screaming crazy woman.

I will save my other cancer cards for other stressful stupid events.  It worked and I know I can't abuse these cards.  But if you've got cancer, you might as well use it to your advantage.  Hmmm wonder if I could score reservations at fancy restaurants?

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