Sunday, May 31, 2015

Pictures from yesterday

As I mentioned last night, we saw the Rodin sculptures at Stanford yesterday.  Last night I was too tired to fool with them to get the pictures blog worthy.  Worked on them today and they aren't great, but pretty good.


This is Marty, me, Ann, and Hank in front of the Gates of Hell.  It was a really lovely bright day and this is the best I could darken the picture.

Here you can see how massive the Gates of Hell are.  Very intricate and very sad work.  The piece in front is Martyr.

Second gallery of Rodin sculptures.  There are 170 pieces inside and 30 outside in a garden.

Pardon the reflection, this is what you get when something is in a glass case.  This is Girl with Roses in her hair.  One of three of my favorites. 
This is Girl with Flowers in her hair.  This is a different medium from the above pictures.
This piece depicts a woman whose hair became a war helmet. The model for this piece was Rodin's wife.  He said this angry look was one she gave him when in a tirade.  The detail on this is awesome.
The same piece from the back.


As I said we had a great time.  The 45 minute drive was well worth it.  And the museum  is free with free parking on weekends.  A win win. 

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