Friday, June 5, 2015

A quick health update

This has been a tiring yet great week.  My brother and his wife were here to celebrate my birthday.  So I did more walking, sitting without my legs up, and I am paying for that.

This was chemo week..  Platelet count was really low,  They were going to give me blood but I had  no dangerous symptoms.   They decided to go on with chemo  as planned.   The combo of low platelets and chemo made me really tired.  Also I have had light nausea and swollen feet and legs.  Nothing horrible, but more side effects than usual. 

As I mentioned the doctor is letting me fly to see Marty's brother.  I really am not fond of flying so prayers requested for tonight and a week from Saturday flights.  I do have good drugs so I won't run screaming down the aisle, maybe.

I really am tired, and worry a bit about this trip.  I hope to pep up as I get further from the chemo.  Keep your fingers crossed.

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