Thursday, June 11, 2015

My Week

Friday night we flew out of San Francisco to Dallas.  Yes, the oncologist said I was well enough to go see Marty's brother, Keith.  We landed at midnight, we got our bag quickly and headed for the shuttle to Budget for our car. The shuttle passed us by three times.  One hour and 45 minutes later we had our car.  Budget is not really a 24 hour service.  We were prepaid, yet no car was waiting for us with the keys in it. We had to wait in a long line at the Avis desk (run by idiots) and fill out all information again.  BOO HISS.

We arrived at Keith's close to 3:00 AM, had an adult beverage, and talked until close to morning,  Since then Keith has cooked gourmet breakfasts and dinners.  He is a from scratch cook, and I mean really from scratch.  He grinds his flour, his multigrain oatmeal like cereal is ground by him.  One dinner we had steaks bigger than the plate (everything is bigger in Texas) that he prepared by sous vide.  Tonight we are having ribs that he has had in the sous vide cooker for over two days.  Wonderful food.  We also have eaten at some great places. 

Saturday morning drug ourselves out of bed to meet a friend from Houston who visiting her son about 30 minutes away.  We had a great visit with them.  Love you Susan.

When we left home I was having some swelling and redness of my feet and legs.  I blamed too much sitting without my feet up and salty restaurant food.  The red became even more angry looking and the swelling was getting worse.  I emailed my oncologist and she wanted me to be evaluated by a doctor. 

Monday we went to an urgent care center.  A huge rip off and not overly clean in my opinion.  I had given all my health issues to a tech and why I was there.  The doctor walks in and the first thing out of her mouth was, "Why are you here?"  I lost it and asked why I had needed to fill out the info earlier if she wasn't going to read it.  She was useless, said she couldn't run the tests to see what was wrong, and I should go to an emergency room.  But they could take our $247.

So off to Baylor Hospital ER, with me crying, pissed off, and scared.  Baylor was right up there with Kaiser care.  They were kind and they took good care of me.  I had an ultrasound to check for clots, none there.  So that left infection.  No immune system and being a diabetic, infections are a heartbeat away.  I am on antibiotics and the legs are some better. 

Tuesday a friend drove 6 hours to have lunch with us. After all the flooding in Texas it was an awful drive for her: roads washed out, bridges gone, and bad weather.  We had a great visit.  And I helped her pick out her Mother of the Groom dress.  That was fun.  Deb is part of the A Team that I written about for years.  Love you bunches, Deb.

We've done  family things for a couple of days.  Tomorrow we going to see some gardens in Dallas.  And Saturday we fly home.

Some of you are asking where are pictures, why not nightly updates?  Well, this is the first day I have been able to get on the internet except on my phone and mini IPad.  No way I can write a blog on them, and post pictures.  Keith's security system hates Windows 8 and even when hard wired we have had trouble connecting.  Marty talked to the Geek Squad, and they gave up  He then called Microsoft, and they wanted money upfront before they would talk to him.  Their system on a new computer, and they don't give a damn.  Today I was asked if I would like to upgrade to Windows 10.  I don't think so.  When I get home I will post some pictures of our trip.

I am amazed I have done so well. I haven't rested as much as I have at home, my legs haven't been up as much either.  But I am holding up.  We are having a great visit.  Lots of laughter, adult beverages every now and then for me, and incredible meals. Today has been strictly a day of rest for me.  Feet up, and naps. 

Prayer Warrior special prayers for the flight home Saturday night.  I do not like flying. 

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