Sunday, May 24, 2015

Weekly health update

Sunday I went to church for the first time since October.  I wore my gloves and mask, and our minister asked people not to touch me, just wave, fake a hug, or bow to me.  It was very emotional for me, and very physically tiring.  We no longer live close to the church, it can be a 30 to 45 minute drive depending on traffic.  We had brunch before we came home.  I was worn out by the time we got home.  I took a 5 hour nap to recover.  I won't be going often, but at least I can go.

Monday I saw my oncologist and she dropped the dreaded words  CT Scan.  Just in case you missed the last one, click here.  I started into panic mode, and then thought I am a big girl, I have to do these regularly, so just do it.  Sometime in the next three weeks I will have it done.  Joy. 

She was pleased with how well I am doing.  I am so much better on this chemo than the one before Christmas.  She is letting me plan further ahead than a couple of days.  We have a trip by plane to go to Dallas and visit Marty's brother.  Then we are going to San Diego on Amtrak to see friends and Marty to watch a Billiards Tournament.  The train trip will be beautiful and not as tiring/stressful as other ways of getting there.

I continue to walk 30 minutes nearly every day.  I cook, dust periodically, change the bed, and other domestic duties.  But this week I was really really  tired.  I slept more during the day than I have recently.  Also my taste buds are going bonkers.  I can eat anything without getting sick, but the food just tastes wrong. ( Before Christmas I couldn't get food down.)  This time I can eat, it just isn't as enjoyable.  Although ice cream and hot fudge still tastes great.

Sometimes I feel as if I am on borrowed time.  Many many pancreatic cancer patients don't make it 6 months after diagnoses.  I am far into my 8th month.  I have the feeling some days of so much to do while I can, other days I think just get through today why bother.  But I don't stay down long.  You gotta be positive, you gotta laugh.

Overall, I am happy, I have no pain, I am not deathly ill as pre Christmas.  I'm doing good, and I thank my prayer warriors. You all are amazing with what you are doing for me.

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