Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Marriage Factory

Wednesday was slow at the Marriage Factory.  Slow for weddings and slow for other business in the Vitals Department.  I only had one marriage ceremony to perform.  The clerk brought me the license and said that the couple was rude.  And that they told her they were in a rush, so hurry up.  Really people?  No one ahead of you. Things are moving in a timely manner. The groom followed Clerk P across the lobby and was staring in the glass door to watch me check the license.   That just made me read slower.  I know, I am a bad girl.

The first thing I noticed was that the bride was born in 1939, the groom in 1955.   Now I am not one to care about age differences, but this couple just seemed off. Very rushed and impatient.  No love in the room. They were in traditional Indian dress.  The bride wore teal pants and a burgundy embroidered tunic.She had a 10 foot scarf of variegated colors wrapped around her neck.  She had on several gold necklaces and bracelets.

This is rude, but true.  The bride looked like a cow chewing a cud.  She wasn't just chewing gum, she was working it to death.

She was not rude to me, but sure was to her witness.  She handed him a digital camera and he couldn't figure it out.  She fussed at him, kept showing him, and he kept hitting the off button instead of the shutter button. She was blessing him out in their native tongue. Finally to speed things up, I took the camera and showed him the the green off button, and said, "Do not touch this." She showed him again and again with some yelling, and I realized part of the problem.  She was showing how to set the timer for a delayed picture.  He wasn't waiting for the count down to take the next picture.  I did not even try to show them how to bypass the timer.

As I did the ceremony they just seemed bored and impatient with the time it took.  Yet when the ceremony was over they suddenly got all tender and sweet to each other.

We never know how people are going to act/react.

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