Sunday, April 3, 2011

Frying Turkey

Last night we had friends to dinner.  We get together maybe once a quarter and do a loose pot luck.  The host provides drinks, main course and veggies. The guests bring salad, dessert, appetizers, or whatever is assigned. 

We fixed Southern food: fried turkey, green beans and potatoes cooked with country ham, spoon bread. The guests brought shrimp cocktail; stuffed mushrooms with pesto and cheese; a salad with pomegranate seeds, cheese, walnuts, spinach and other goodness.  We ate really really well.

Do I have pictures of all the food, no.  We were having such a good time I forgot about taking pictures.  I do have some pictures of the evening.

The table is set with Kentucky Derby plates and julep cups.

Spoon bread ready to go into the oven.

                  Turkey is brined, rubbed, injected.  It is ready to be dropped into the hot oil.
                                          Oil is hot and ready for the turkey.

 Kids, don't do this at home.  Usually Marty lowers the turkey with a pulley.  Last night he set up in a different place and no pulley.

               Twelve pound turkey is in and will cook around an hour.

                  The oil is boiling at this point.  Marty had turned the fire up to blow torch level.

The party is over. 


Anonymous said...

Amazing technique. Never heard of this but I bet the turkey is great. Especially nice that Marty enjoys cooking too!

Janet Rudolph said...

And, a fabulous evening was had by all! Thanks