Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Another different week

Last Thursday I started cleaning and cooking for a party on Saturday.  We were giving a Thank You Party for the people in the Bay Area who helped us with our move.  They packed us up, they moved stuff to the storage unit, they helped with the yard sales.  We were loaned the famous Big Blue truck.  Friends cared for our orchids for months. They fed us emotionally and physically.  My blog continued to have wedding news while I was in San Diego. And then we came back and they did all this in reverse.

A friend let us stay with her for over a month as we found a place and then moved in.  Boxes were moved out of the unit to our apartment.  Again we were helped, fed, nurtured, loved.  No amount of wine and great appetizers can begin to thank them for all they have done.  But that and our love is the best we can do. 

Sunday we went to church, a congregational meeting, and then to pick up our orchids.  Marty placed then on the back steps and they look great.  Then we rested. 

When we went to bed I told Marty my stomach felt weird.  And weird it was, I woke up at 4:00 very ill.  I won't give the awful details.  But I was sick, really sick.  Monday and Tuesday I slept all day and night other than trips down the hall.  Today I have managed to stay awake most of the day.  I was in the recliner and I dozed off some.  But I am feeling better.

I had chicken broth with a little rice for lunch.  Marty has made soup for supper.  We will see.

Please may the next week be normal!  Oh wait, it won't be, it's Spring Break.

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