Sunday, July 31, 2011

I WANT IT !!!!

Yesterday Marty had to pick up some pamphlets he had had printed.  We had other errands to run so I went with him.  We picked them up at Costco.  Not that Costco, Costco's Business Center.  There are only about 8 in the nation, and we have one just down the road.  They sell paper, shredders, phones, restaurants items, food items for restaurants/convenience stores, aprons, most anything a business could need.  Many of the items can be used in the home and they are much cheaper than a regular store or grocery. 

We did a little shopping while there.  We bought two cases of individual packets of Cracker Jacks.  We love our Cracker Jacks.  We bought fresh produce, some cheese, printer paper.  But I wanted more.

I want and need everything in this picture.  Including Marty. The hotel pans, roasters, pizza pans, I need it.

Machines!  Blenders, choppers, coffee pots, steamers, rice cookers, heat lamps, all bright and shiny.  Please, I don't care my kitchen is full.  I don't care we are looking at moving to a smaller place.  Please, just one or two shiny machines.

We controlled ourselves.  No shiny machines made it home with us.  No wonderful garlic presses, spatulas, knives, colanders, skillets, ladles went in our cart.  The only thing we really needed that they carried was parchment paper sheets.  We didn't buy it though, the smallest box had sheets twice the size of a cookie sheet so we would have to cut them in half.  The box held 2000 sheets.  That would have been 4000 sheets, a little more than we could store.

 I know where this place is now and I will be back. The kitchen equipment is calling me. 


Janet Rudolph said...

How funny we both wrote about Costco on the same day!

nomore said...

Here I'm a member too in S.Korea...It's very nice place to shopping shopping ...