Monday, July 23, 2012

Lessons Learned, Part 2

Again we have notes from Joe.  These are things we have learned through experience.  You may think he made up number 1.  Trust me, many times I have walked around to several clerks and asked how would you pronounce this.  Sometimes we are right.

1. Don't be afraid to ask how names are pronounced.  Gone are the days
of Steve and Cindy.  Welcome, Abraxia, Shevvonne, and Reandeal.

2. Ask everyone to silence cell phones.  This prevents the
interruption as Dad calls to congratulate the couple and "I like big
butts" rings out across the wedding room.

3. Have any photographers take a couple test shots, so the happy
couple will be in focus, and you'll be ready for any interesting
camera noises.

4. Wedding rings can cause a lot of confusion.
 3 simple rules:
    * Get the rings ready before the ceremony begins.  Finding them at
the bottom of a purse really puts a crimp in the proceedings.
    * The groom's left hand is opposite the bride's right hand.  This is
surprisingly challenging to remember.
    * Rings often don't fit, especially when you're nervous.  It happens
a lot and means nothing - don't worry about it.

5. Wash your hands after every couple ceremonies, or if anyone coughs
or sneezes.  I don't know how the clerks avoid being sick all the time.

I would add to number 4. 
 Rings hit the floor, no big deal.  Someone picks them up and we finish the ceremony.
 I can't tell you how many times I have said, "other left".


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