So much has been packed up. So much left to do. I have to call Waste Management Monday and ask them to not stop our service on Tuesday. We need it extended another week. We have so much to throw away. I really think we need another bulk pickup. We keep finding stuff that I thought we had gotten rid of: an HO Train set, my great grandfather's ugly mantle clock, my grandmother's scrapbook. There is the stuff that isn't ours. We found a brand new suitcase, portable picnic tables, a camp stool, a fireman's ax. Then we have tax records back to 1978, you only have to keep them 7 years. I shredded
We have gotten rid of stuff for the last three moves. But if you have storage you don't get rid of enough. We have pictures, scrap books, high school and college yearbookd, baby clothes made by family members now gone. I even have love letters from my father to my mother. He died in 1954.
This time we have cleaned out a little better. We better we have to pay for storage this time.
Young people, pay attention. Don't save every thing, don't keep every paper from the sale of a house. That house is gone, no longer yours. You do not need all that paper work. Then do you really want to keep all those notes from a business meeting? Is that program from a Rock Concert worth the space? Why are you keeping that pressed rose? Are all those books worth the space, donate them. Be ruthless, weed out. If you bring one thing into the house, take one thing out. Trust me, when you are my age, you do not want to work this hard cleaning out a house.
Marty and I have kept some very
So I repeat: Do not keep everything. If you don't have to keep it for the government, toss it. If you haven't worn it in 6 months donate it.(this one Marty can do with no problem).
Great blog, and good advice for all of us. I'm beginning to get rid of "stuff" but always pass over a lot each time. Just think, you could've made some money on that stuff if you'd found it earlier!!!! Maybe you need another moving sale???>
My father was a hoarder and after he died and we sold the house going through everything was difficult. A friend helped me clean out just the garage and we took 1 ton of junk to the dump. This was stuff that was not savable. I am very good at tossing stuff. I also learned where every thrift store was in San Francisco. good luck. Hope we can skype in group.
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